Saturday, 5 July 2014

Inescapable - THAT was the ending? F**k this.

This game has all the potential to be decent enough but lacks any exploration, any real challenge and is incredibly short to the point of irritation (finished in well under an hour), the game ending randomly in the middle of everything and since the developers couldn't be bothered to make an actual full game, I'm not going to bother to make a full review. Fin.

Hotel & Crystals of Time - Casual Crash

Im not feeling too smart. Ive had these two hanging in drafts for ages and had forgotten to publish them. Whats the answer to me being stupid this way? A two for one post, thats what! Its just as well that its a two-for-one post though as both of these games manage to crash and burn in similar ways, just one managing to do so in a much more spectacular fashion than the other... Where shall we start then... Hotel?