Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Papo & Yo - My Froggy Favela

The Playstation Plus 'Instant Games Collection' is a bit of a weird area with a rather combustible membership group. It seems like everyone waits near the end of each month for information on whats going to be free with Playstation Plus next, all making outlandish predictions and then when news of the games finally does arrive, its followed by a comment wave of 'OH MY GOD. RUBBISH INDIES' by childish members which causes certain titles to be lost in the discussion and Papo & Yo sadly seemed to be one of these lost titles. Its a bit of a shame that this is the case as this title fits the Playstation Plus collection to a tee... which is both a good and bad thing at exactly the same time...

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Bird Assassin - Braindead Birdbrains

Bird Assassin is one of the many games which fled the 'XBLA' service to try and find sales on PC. In fact there's quite a few of these trying to compete to get into steam but somehow this one managed to worm its way across onto steam and sadly it isn't a good one. The entire game first off feels cheap and nasty thanks to a really limited graphics set and Xbox button inputs spread across the screens without any regard to what control you are actually using.