Now if that screenshot above reminds you of anything, it probably should be screaming the likes of Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy. There is definite inspiration from these games when it comes to graphics but if I was going to really compare it to another game, it would be more Metroid than anything else. Why? Right from the word 'Go' you can go anywhere in the game, there's no limits, blocks, enemy counters or special skills needed to bypass certain blocks. Instead its jump from room to room, area to area, attempting to find the keys hidden around the place while avoiding enemies, spikes and other dangers.
Once you have grabbed a key, you must do a trivia question to actually own it. Yep. This game has trivia all over it. Thankfully for my sanity all the questions are more based around logic, history and general knowledge instead of using a question pool that's centred around country-centric recent events/politics (Something that occasionally kills other trivia titles such as the 'You Dont Know Jack' games for me). The questions are mostly easy enough.
The game's biggest issue though that it gives far too much to the player as help. Checkpoints are scattered around the map in large amounts, there no life limit so you can 'die' as much as you like, checkpoints let you 'Teleport' around the map to ones you have already been to, making speeding around the map easy to do and trivia questions are never changed around should you get any wrong. All of this adds up to a game that's very charming, very playable but ultimately far too easy and simple. It just leaves you wishing for more really.
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