Wednesday 11 June 2014

Cinders - Happily Ever After?

For some reason 'Fairytale' films and TV seems to be something that is 'In fashion' at the moment, from dark and blood-soaked versions of old tales (Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters) to backstory explanation (Maleficent) to large TV drama series (Grimm, Once Upon a Time). With all this in mind comes Cinders, a re-telling of the old Cinderella story set up as a Visual Novel.

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Fez - Pixel Logic

Before I even begin this review, I have to start stating facts. Will I be talking about the notorious Phil Fish here? Answer: No. This is about Fez as a game and that's that. Anyway with that quick note out of the way, how exactly does this weird pixel 2D/3D-ish platformer fare?

Real Horror Stories: Ultimate Edition - They Snooze, We Lose

I paid 15 pence for this and I still feel ripped off. What is this? Its a selection of flash pictures, there are things you can click, some things that you cant. The game is never clear what does what, or even why clicking certain things does stuff. Instead you'll spend most of the time hammering the 'tab' to highlight clickable areas, hammering said clickable areas till a blurry and badly animated random thing pops in the screen, yawn and repeat till done. Just leave this stinker alone.

Sunday 8 June 2014

Marlow Briggs: The Mask of Death - God of what now?

Marlow Briggs: The Mask of Death makes no bones about what its supposed to be, it quite clearly is an indie-ish take on God of War, a budget price attached along with it too. In all honestly, I was expecting a rather 'eh' game that either was a little dull, or a game that would try too hard to be wacky and silly. Instead, I got this incredibly fun gem of a game.

7th Guest - Feeeling Lonely?

FMV gaming was a weird little thing that happened around the early to mid-nineties where suddenly gaming wanted real actors and a feeling of a TV show and/or film to accompany their gaming experience. Overall however FMV gaming in my eyes has aged badly and overall was a bit of a failed attempt at bringing movie-like film techniques to games, this is down to poor acting, low budgets and cheesy storylines and nothing really showcases all of this (and more) than one of the games that really kickstarted this off, the adventure title '7th Guest' by Trilobyte software.

Long Story Short...

Sorry about the total lack of any posting what-so-ever over the last month and a bit. Things have been a bit crazy with me, doing volunteer work has been draining the life from me recently where my brain doesn't want to do much outside of gaming and laying around. Anyway, trying to get back into the swing of things with this and hopefully I should have new content up soon :)

So what have I completed between the last post and now? Lets see... (In alphabetical order)

7th Guest, Abyss: The Wraiths of Eden, Cinders, Fez, Glitchspace, Infected: The Twin Vaccine, Marlow Briggs, Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals.

That's a bit to go back with, time for me to get a-writing!