Wednesday 29 January 2014

Finding Teddy - I Am Your Friend

Going through some of the games on Steam I had marked as 'Non-Working' was this little title which suddenly, out of nowhere had begun working properly with no real reason why. First glances, the game looks cute and intresting but does it really hold up well against other games?

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Nancy Drew #3 - Message in a Haunted Mansion

Its the third Nancy Drew game and this time its spooky goings on in a mansion. As usual I will be doing the same sort of format I did in the previous post. I guess there isn't much more left to say other than 'Lets go!'

Capcom Fighting Jam - Cut and Paste Adventures

For those who are unaware, I do happen to enjoy fighting games quite a bit and have owned several over the years from several iterations of Street Fighter, King of Fighters, Guilty Gear, Tekken and more. I also happen to be okay at them though I am nowhere near tournament level on anything. Why am I going through this? Because its a darn sight more interesting than explaining my way through this game. I will at least give it a try though...

Saturday 25 January 2014

Q.U.B.E. - Qube Me Quickly

Q.U.B.E. is pretty simple in what you have to do. Get from point A to point B by using a variety of different things, not unlike Portal. Here however we don't use Portal Guns. Instead its down to using a variety of blocks to make platforms, make walls rotate and spring you about. Is it worth going through?

Friday 24 January 2014


Theres not much to say about this game. Its short and is in memory of the individuals lost during the Japanese tsunami of 2011 and personally I found it quite touching. All the proceeds goes to charity and I would recommend that you pick it up. Its quite cheap too.

1000 Amps - Hello little Amp

1000 Amps is a rather odd game that's for sure. Its not that it defies any genre (Its clearly a platformer) not does it bring anything massively new to the table. Instead its odd simply because of how it seems to have hidden itself away on steam with little notice. Time to give this a bit of a spotlight then?

Wednesday 22 January 2014

//N.P.P.D. Rush// : The Milk of Ultra Violet - Um... What?

Note: The main dev of this game has since changed the game completely, turning a slightly intresting but flawed title into a completely unplayable mess. I'm not doing a full page review of the new 'Game' as quite frankly, I don't want to touch it again if needs be. I'll keep this up though just to showcase what the game used to be.

So this morning, went and grabbed myself the Groupees Retro 2 bundle and one of the games I wound up picking up was this little weird title (Which for sanity's sake, I shall be just referring to as NPPD). So I installed it, played it and finished it in under half an hour (Whoops. There's one MAJOR mark against it already). So how was it? Uh... Interesting...

Sunday 19 January 2014

Freedom Fall - FREEDOM!

Recently released on Steam we have Freedom Fall, a tricky little platformer from Stirfire Studios. Now before I had actually finished this on Desura but apparently there's new things this time around to play with. Lets dive down shall we?

Nancy Drew #2 - Stay Tuned for Danger

Aaand we are right into one of my least liked Nancy Drew games. I have decided though to try and set out a sort of 'Pattern' when doing these though since each of these games have quite a bit in common. Basically putting everything into neat categories.. And those are...

Story - The basic plot, if good twists happen, how easy it is to work out who the villain is.

Location - About where the game is set, how easy it is to go from location to location and any movement 'Quirks' any of the games may have.

Puzzles - Easy? Hard? Irritating? Repetitive? I'll note them down here.

Mechanics - If there's any special mechanics or systems the game uses that isn't in the other games and if it helps or hurts the game overall.

Second Chance - The ways to 'Game Over' and if they are fair or not

Overall - Good/Bad? Newcomer title or one more for Veterans?

Simple! Anyway without further ado lets go into the second game, Stay Tuned For Danger.

Arson & Plunder - Beat Em Up Basics

When I was young my dad owned an Amiga and with it, a good selection of games. One of those titles was Golden Axe and I played that over and over again, finishing it multiple times and beating Death Adder. Have I gone back to that game in many years? No. Why? I have to admit, I am worried that my memories of the game could be ruined on playing it again now and games like this only serve to add on to that train of thought.

Saturday 18 January 2014

Nancy Drew Part One - So Many Adventures, So Little Time

Okay yes, I supposed I should finally tackle the rather large 'Nancy Drew' shaped subject I keep occasionally poking at. I am a fan of the 'Her Interactive' series of Nancy Drew games and as of the time I am writing, I have completed almost every single one of the Nancy Drew adventure titles for PC. This basically means I can whitter on about each one and point out whats good, whats not good and where is best for beginners to... er... well begin?

Castle: Never Judge a Book By Its Cover - Breaking and Entering!

Ive somehow gotten into the habit of playing random games now wherever possible. One of these times was during meeting up with family an hour away and this was on the computer. While the parents chatted, I wound up going through this in speedy fashion and yes, its a hidden object title and yes I spent most my time going 'WHAT?' in utter confusion throughout.

Thursday 16 January 2014

Uninvited - A Ghoulish Classic

A quick trip down the more 'Old' games here with the adventure title 'Uninvited'. I felt like playing something a bit more old-school and, since I can play NES games on my Ouya (Ho-hum), I went for this.

Note: I went for the NES version of this game, its also available for other systems and pc's systems but I will explain why I picked the NES version as we go on.

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Oozi: Earth Adventures - Platforming like its 1995!

Next on the finished list is 'Oozi: Earth Adventures'. A rather cartoony platformer that was originally on the Xbox Indie service, since moved onto steam with very little change to it (other than having all four parts put into the same game). Its definitely fun but... Lacking... read on and see what I mean.

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Clock Tower 3 - Dumb. Dumber. Dumbest.

Ive been trying to get through this game for a bit on my PS2 and quite frankly its been a tough one. Not because the game is difficult but more because of how effing stupid it is on all counts. Did the creative team get fired for this like the Sonic creative team did after Sonic 2006? They should have. Let me explain.

Saturday 11 January 2014

Ampu-Tea - Easy Mode Done

I shall begin with three simple words. F**k this Game. Thats right, this is a rage game pure and simple with controls and mechanisms ripped right from 'Surgeon Simulator' and the goal is to make tea. The controls suck, the graphics are basic and the game itself is incredibly buggy at the best of times making a frustrating experience all the more frustrating. (Oh look my hand got stuck in the table. Or the mug. Or the water dispenser...)

This is not a game. This is a torture tool and a way for youtubers to earn easily impressed subscribers by screaming at the camera. Just avoid at all costs.

Friday 10 January 2014

Waves - Shooty Goodness

Now here be a game that I have not exactly 'Finished' because well... its a game that's got no ending at all, its a score-chasing twin-stick shooter by the name of 'Waves' and (Spoiler) its blummin good. Let me go through why!

Thursday 9 January 2014

The Final Wave

That's right, you saw it, it says the magical word 'Final in the title of this post. Obviously that means the end of the quicklists of games already completed. Yay? Oh well. On we go!

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Murder at the Lisbon Hotel - Case Solved

Another more 'Oddball' title here, finished up and presented thusly. This time being the adventure mystery title 'Murder at the Lisbon Hotel' to try and solve the case of the mysterious suicide of Mr Love. And by suicide we mean murder obviously.

The Fifth Wave

Its wave five of games that have already been done, let the mini opinions commence thusly!

As in now. Right now!

Steam Greenlight - 7th January Thoughts

Steam Greenlit has been going for a while now and doling out these sort of updates on a regular basis. For those who don't know what Steam greenlight is, let me go through it super fast. Basically new/indie/whoever steam doesn't like that day developers have to go through this process now, posting a game up and letting the 'Steam Community' vote on if they want to see it go on sale or not.

Okay its a little bit more complicated but that's the jist of it. Now every so often steam takes the highest voted games/apps and starts the whole deal process with them, so the game/app can go on sale on Steam. Yesterday (the 7th) was the turn of 50 more games/apps to be taken through this process and be given the greenlight. Heres my thoughts on some of em! (Warning: Some harsh words ahead)

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Love+, Platformance Temple Death/Castle Pain and The Network - Four Desura Done

Throwing in four titles here all at once, all very short titles completed in one day and all four available over Desura for £1.99 each. Lets dig into the buffet of unknown titles shall we?

Dead Rising 3 - Nightmare Over

Another game completed and this time its an Xbox One title (gasp) with the name of Dead Rising 3. I have played and finished all of the previous titles so I should be ready for this one? Right?

Note: By all titles I mean Dead Rising, Dead Rising 2: Case Zero, Dead Rising 2, Dead Rising 2: Case West and Dead Rising 2: Off the Record. Yep. I even bought the rubbishy 'Should have been DLC' one.

Saturday 4 January 2014

Electronic Super Joy - Completed

And another game completed, this time its the turn of the colourful indie freaking hard platformer known as 'Electronic Super Joy'. Or as I would like to call it 'Super Wub-Wub Sex Noise Boy' (Rejected I guess by the Marketing team for being too dumb of a name. Oh well.)

The Fourth Wave

Continuing on the sea of games that have already been completed, we have the fourth set. We have Sprites, we have Puzzles and then finally some cubey confusion. Lets go!

Friday 3 January 2014

Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition - Four Episodes. All Done. (And one Expansion)

Another game in the bag and this one more of a classic title. Also less thinky, more 'Gun everything in sight..y'. To be fair its hard to really say anything about Duke Nukem 3D that hasn't been covered by many other people in the past... I shall try though.

The Third Wave

Time for a third wave of games already cleared and notes about each one of them. Onwards I say!

1953: KGB Unleashed - Done and Dusted

A quick break before I delve back into the listing of already finished stuff. Here was have '1953: KGB Unleashed', a first person adventure title mimicking the 'Escape the Room' sort of games. In it you play a person who cannot remember what has happened (hooray for plot convenient amnesia!) and is trying to escape from the bunker he has been sealed in.

Thursday 2 January 2014

Forever Worlds... *sobs*

Okay game... you don't like me. I think you have made this perfectly clear... *head-desks*
(Normal service will resume shortly)

The Second Wave

Its another wave of games that have already been done, all wrapped up with little pieces on each (and I mean little). Well... I guess I better get started then!

The First Wave

Its a new blog! Gasp! Shock! Horror! As amazing as this news may be, its time to get down to what we call business. This blog is all about me playing through games, me talking about games and me ticking games off a mental checklist that's growing constantly.

It would also probably be a good idea to mention that this blog is just a 'little' bit, if not almost completely inspired by this blog (Just click the pic to go to that one. Don't worry, it doesn't bite)

Anyway I should probably start with the games that have already been completed by me. I will try and give little mini opinions on each one. Only going through some now, the rest later.