Wednesday 2 April 2014

The Game Bin - Penguin Arena

Im thinking of starting a feature here on this blog which I shall call 'The Game Bin'. The name is pretty self-explanatory but I shall explain it anyway, both to be clear and to use up space in the blogpost (gotta get them numbers in!). Any game that I go through here is what I call a game destined for the bin. These games are not however just games that are kinda bad, these are supposed to represent games where I can find little to no redeeming factors at all in playing.

Theres already some games that I am going to place in here that I have already covered (Hello NPPD, Proteus and Where Angels Cry) but any I cover here will have to fit certain things. One: These games must be on Steam or Desura. Two: If a game is a Alpha Funded/Early Access title, there has to be proof that the devs have either given up or abandoned the game completely (So if a dev has promised updates, but updates haven't come, then its fair game).

Understand? Lets hit the first stinker then, Penguin Arena: Sedna's World.

This game is supposed to be a multiplayer based shooter/sumo game, playing as one penguins, in a small team of coloured penguin. The objective is to shoot and knock all the other coloured team penguins off the ice floe. Where issues start is the actual graphics, they just look rubbishy from the get go, clipping can be seen everywhere, nasty jagged pieces litter the place, textures are either non-existent or stretched out nastily and the whole thing looks incredibly amateurish.

It gets worse when playing though, true multiplayer is near impossible of course given how poor the game is with a grand total of nobody playing at almost all times. So then its right to single-player and honestly, its just awful. The computer AI first of all seems to alternate between completely stupid (throwing themselves off the floe, skidding all over and shooting like a stormtrooper caught in a hurricane) to stupidly hard (randomly getting perfect shots from a silly distance, somehow getting speedboosts out of nowhere and the good old fave of barely detecting any shots you take on them).

The actual controls as well just plain suck, jumping, shooting or even walking normally seems to be a task in of itself with the controls either sticking, delaying at annoying moments or just ignoring inputs altogether.

Essentially, this game fits that bill I explained below and has zero redeeming features to its name.

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