Wednesday 15 January 2014

Oozi: Earth Adventures - Platforming like its 1995!

Next on the finished list is 'Oozi: Earth Adventures'. A rather cartoony platformer that was originally on the Xbox Indie service, since moved onto steam with very little change to it (other than having all four parts put into the same game). Its definitely fun but... Lacking... read on and see what I mean.

Firstly the game is very pretty, its not amazingly crisp, nor does the game shoot all manner of lightshows in your face every few seconds but at the same time it still looks clean, colourful and full of character. The actual menus are smooth, the interface tells you exactly what you need to know at all times. Basically graphics wise the game is okay, but not perfect.

However that's not really the main draw of this game, instead its all about the basic platforming. Oozi has crashlanded and its up to you to get to the end of each level without Oozi dying. The controls work well and never feel too loose or stiff and everything works well, from new elements constantly being introduced, elements in levels never stick around to the point where they feel dull and overused making the whole game work well and the whole thing feels 'Nice'.

That's also the problem, everything is just 'Nice'. There never is any real attempt or effort in making this game any different from the million and one old mascot platformers that came out for the SNES/MegaDrive/PS1/N64. This basically means that if you used to like those sorts of games back then, this is probably a large nostalgia hit and works well. However if you never were too keen of them back then or if you were not even around back then, there really is nothing to keep you interested here.

And unfortunately that's about as much as I can say with it, while I had some fun with it, it never really made any effort to be memorable. Oh and before I forget, whoever made this game cannot make a good boss battle. All four boss battles are bloomin boring.

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