Friday, 24 January 2014

1000 Amps - Hello little Amp

1000 Amps is a rather odd game that's for sure. Its not that it defies any genre (Its clearly a platformer) not does it bring anything massively new to the table. Instead its odd simply because of how it seems to have hidden itself away on steam with little notice. Time to give this a bit of a spotlight then?

Style wise its about as basic as can be, theres never any colours other than black, white and grey and the music is pretty much non-existant. That said this actually comes into the games favour, at no point do graphics muddy up what you are supposed to do, nor does any music really grate or irritate. It also makes the whole thing look quite clean, precise and occasionally cute.

Gameplay-wise, the point in each of the many rooms in '1000 Amps' is to find light nodes, activate them all and move on. Where the problem arises is that when you enter a room you usually cannot see a thing, platforms and nodes are not visible and using a mix of guesswork and logic, find where you need to go, with platforms, nodes and other things appearing as you touch or go near them.

And really that's all there is to it, there's no danger of getting the little 'Amp' killed at any point so exploration is given to you completely. That's all well and good and while it does work well, it does lead to some rather annoying moments where one wrong step leaves you falling off the room, into another room and potentially on a loop to try and get back to that original room.

I haven't really got much else to say about it unfortunately. I guess I shall finish up then. Its cute, its charming, its cheap, fun and occasionally frustrating. Its also worth buying and spending some time and money on.

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