As you can probably tell, a game that takes itself seriously, this is not. Quite often the fourth wall is broken, characters make oddball jokes and strange situations appear all over the place (DLC Alley for instance containing various members of the coding team). Its not your usual point and click adventure though, sure you collect items and chat to people but unlike most adventure titles, almost all the 'Puzzling' is done via interviewing various suspects and this is where the game has most its gameplay.
On interviewing any suspect, you first must pick which one of the two main characters will interview the suspect. As a general rule the 'Detective' himself is bad cop and Clown-Bot is more of a good-cop. Picking between the two decides if you will win the incident as some people react badly to the Detective and others don't really treat Clown-Bot seriously.
After that choice its questioning time, each round you get three statements. One statement is the right one and you need to also pick the right piece of evidence to go along with it. Pick both correctly and you continue, three in a row correct and you win the interview, continuing the storyline.
The problem is, the game is too easy. Most of the interview sequences are easily done, options tend to be quite obvious and if you screw up, there is no real penalty for it, instead you just start again as if nothing happened.
This means the game is very short, even with a few sidequests attached. As it is, despite being very funny, it needs some meat to really be worth the £9.99 asking price. Also if I have to hack at it some more, the game is in dire need of some updating as several glitches hamper the game, none of them are game-breaking but they are noticeable.
The game also really needs some proper options, there's no real sound options and worse still, no resolution options meaning that anyone that doesn't have the resolution the game wants will have stuff cut off on the sides of the screens making accessing the inventory near impossible.
In all the game is nice, but needs some updating to really have a better chance.
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