Friday 3 January 2014

1953: KGB Unleashed - Done and Dusted

A quick break before I delve back into the listing of already finished stuff. Here was have '1953: KGB Unleashed', a first person adventure title mimicking the 'Escape the Room' sort of games. In it you play a person who cannot remember what has happened (hooray for plot convenient amnesia!) and is trying to escape from the bunker he has been sealed in.

First up is the plot, as far as adventure games go, its not exactly spectacular. Theres a lot of detail about the history of the bunker and what went on there, but all of it is delivered via large infodumps. Unfortunately important puzzle information is also hidden in the infodumps as well making it occasionally hard to glean if the note you are looking at is just plotting, decoration or puzzle information. Throughout the game there is a 'Mystery' person supposedly watching your every move but he adds nothing really to the story bar the occasional 'Ooh, Im spooky. I am yes' speech.

The puzzles themselves are a very mixed batch as well. Some of them work wonderfully, throwing together decent logic, interesting ideas and clever solutions... However then you come across more annoying ones that threaten to derail the entire game completely. The first real puzzle being one of these, not because of how difficult it is, but because of the game not being clear about what you can and cannot do... Oh and my 'Adventure Game' favourite of hunting to dark things in a dark room. Always fun that one is. The game also really needs to tell the player a bit more that puzzles have been completed. More than once I got the right combination to a puzzle, only for the game not to even bother to tell me if it was right or wrong.

Im being a tad harsh though since overall the game is very good, the controls work well, the puzzles (mostly) work well and while the plot isn't the greatest, the atmosphere it all provides can make the game feel tense and nervy at points. Would I recommend it? Given the low enough price-point, I would have to say yes. If you are looking for a quick adventure game to keep things moving along, you could do a lot worse than picking this one up.

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