Wednesday, 8 January 2014

The Fifth Wave

Its wave five of games that have already been done, let the mini opinions commence thusly!

As in now. Right now!

Samantha Swift and the Hidden Roses of Athena - Its a hidden object game plain and simple, there's a few small easy puzzles around to try and keep things moving but for the most part its simply finding what's asked of you. Its not going to convert anyone who hates the sort of game but for those who don't mind, its colourful enough and has decent production values.

Samorost 2 - Over and done with in 5 minutes, its charming and cute. Small and easy. That's all folks.

Satazius - Oh my, this is definitely one big love-letter to titles such as Gradius, the action is fast, the bosses fun and the levels numerous. A generous amount of continues helps to move things along nicely. Fun Fun Retro-Fun.

Scribblenauts Unlimited - Scribbley! This right now is the definitive version of the game. Its easy enough to complete but that's not really the point of the game, its all about making what you want and causing chaos to happen. Brilliant fun!

Sherlock Holmes and the Hound of the Baskervilles - Another hidden object title but this one tries to mix things up a bit more by featuring a lot more puzzles and a lot more exploration. Its fun and cheerful enough but once again, despite the production values being above average, it wont convert anyone who hates Hidden Object titles.

The Ship - Single Player - Why bother? Its a tacked on multiplayer campaign that's short, full of annoying sudden game-overs and is just plain boring and dull. Avoid.

Sonic Adventure 2 - LIVE AND LEARN! YEAHHH! Um... Sorry about that... Where was I? Oh yes. This basically for the longest time (Until Sonic Colours/Generations) was the best 3D Sonic game around and for good reasons, memorable stages, music and bosses fill the game up brilliantly and keep you wanting more throughout.

Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People - This is TellTale games at their adventure game finest with silly and funny jokes all over the place, interesting and at times, rather crazy puzzles and five episodes filled with memorable moments. Its enough to make you wish that somebody would update the Strong-Bad site for once and give us all hope.

Super Amazing Wagon Adventure - Forget the Oregon trail, this is the real wagon-adventure. Very retro-inspired, very silly, the random-generation making all sorts of amusing incidents happen (Rabid squirrels, pirates, unicorns and cracks in time. WOO!)

Are we forgetting a game?

The Stanley Parable

And so the blog-writer typed down his opinion of 'The Stanley Parable', there he wrote down about how the story effected him emotionally, physically and mentally. There he described the various faculties of the game, explaining how the game worked, the controls and even the point of the game. Suddenly, a thought struck him and in an instant, he deleted the entire review with a drag, a click and a button press. Instead he linked to the steam page via an image and noted that if people wished to truly 'get' the game, they should play the demo. In doing so he felt glad that he had managed to avoid spoiling the story of such a game.

And then he pressed a button.
And then he pressed a button.
And then he pressed a button.
And then... he pressed a button.
And then... he pressed... a button.

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