Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Steam Greenlight - 7th January Thoughts

Steam Greenlit has been going for a while now and doling out these sort of updates on a regular basis. For those who don't know what Steam greenlight is, let me go through it super fast. Basically new/indie/whoever steam doesn't like that day developers have to go through this process now, posting a game up and letting the 'Steam Community' vote on if they want to see it go on sale or not.

Okay its a little bit more complicated but that's the jist of it. Now every so often steam takes the highest voted games/apps and starts the whole deal process with them, so the game/app can go on sale on Steam. Yesterday (the 7th) was the turn of 50 more games/apps to be taken through this process and be given the greenlight. Heres my thoughts on some of em! (Warning: Some harsh words ahead)

Depression Quest - This made it through? Really? I understand the goodwill and all that but this is not a suitable way to hit the subject, nor is the 'game' really suitable enough to be sold as a individual product. It looks cheap and a bit lazy and despite all the good intentions in the world I would never pick it up. The only reason it made it through the Greenlight process was because some morons made sexist and threatening remarks, the media picked up on it and cue sympathy votes.

Ethan - Meteor Hunter - Another game which I belive got a good voting chunk via sympathy voting. They recently released a 'Post-Analysis' of the game and made a big stink how little the game sold. It should also be pointed out that they did VERY little advertising over this game, had the game delivered to barely any distribution agents (Desura/GreenmanGaming/ShinyLoot etc) and somehow expected a puzzle-platform title to sell well against a sea of similar looking titles with better publicity.

That said, on playing the game it isn't bad. Controls work well, the puzzles are clever and intelligent and the game never get unfair and frustrating to the point of rage-quitting. Its not that memorable though either, a lot of what is here has been done before and sometimes better. Would I recommend it? Depends on the price point asked for. Ask me again on release and maybe I will have a better idea.

Farm For Your Life - A rather interesting take on a genre usually populated by Harvest Moon and... uh... Harvest Moon? I have yet to actually play the game fully outside of the tutorial so I cant really say much about this but I am happily surprised to see it greenlit already after having to relist it because of a licensing dispute.

FPS Creator Reloaded - Ew. I tried this at PlayExpo 2013 (Manchester Games Expo) and I was not impressed at all. It felt very limited, very messy and buggy. That said it was also an obvious Beta and by the looks of things, it has moved on a lot since then. It will be intresting to see if it holds up well and doesn't just become another limited Games Creation kit for the 'Everyman'. (Still has bad memories over the Games Creator 3D thing which only let you swap around models).

MANOS: The Hands of Fate - Based off a truly terrible B-Movie horror flick, this Famicom-style platformer feels fun to play and gives off loads of retro-vibes. It all comes down to the price-point however as its also a very simple game. Hopefully it sticks around the £2.50 max at most point.

Marvins Mittens - Oh I love this game I really do. Charming, cute and stunning in places. I wanna play it some more so when this does hit steam, I likely will finish it all over again just to bask in the adorable nature of it all.

One Way Heroics - A very... Odd title for sure. The fact it is being pushed by PLAYISM definitely helped its way towards a greenlight status as they pushed La-Mulana through (as well as upcoming hack and slash title Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae). Its basically a Rogue-like RPG where you are constantly being chased by a dreaded fog, or as I like to call it, THE SCREEN WALL OF DOOM! Its freakishly hard and as such I suck at it and have barely even gotten far out of the castle at the start... :( I suck...

Subject 9 - A strange shooter title that tries to emphasise a mix of offensive and defensive options. It looks good but I have yet to play it much outside of the tutorial so :/ Oh well

And that's it. Yes I do realise I have not given thoughts on much but I can really only offer opinions on stuff I have tried yes?

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